What We Do

Honestly Curated Beauty for Every Skin…

Fiive Beauty is a reviews website dedicated to collating top five beauty products in every possible category, according to a panel of beauty obsessed judges. You can browse by brand or product type, to read honest, unbiased reviews before you buy, safe in the knowledge that you will never purchase a product that doesn’t live up to its label again. This means less money wasted and less plastic in the bin!

Our judges have been selected for their obsessive and empirical beauty knowledge and represent a broad selection of skin tones, skin types and ages so that as well as reading reviews, you can hopefully find a beauty geek with a similar skin type to you and look up the products they swear by. Our top fives are made up of combined knowledge as well as products that are tried and tested by several members of the panel. We’re testing, testing, testing all the time and will be adding more categories on a regular basis.

As well as reviews, we feature news on the latest product launches, ‘how to’s’ and inspiring guest editors who reveal their own top five beauty secrets and other tips related to their own fields of expertise. Our hope is to create a lovely community of beauty geeks to help you shop intelligently, boost confidence and provide at least five minutes daily escape.

Would you like to join our panel? We’re looking for more warm and friendly beauty geeks to join our team of judges. Please email us to tell us why we need you on board.

If you choose to shop through Fiive we do benefit from affiliate links in some cases. This is to cover our time and an out of control Pret habit. If you don’t want to shop through us that is completely fine but please do know that we only ever feature products that are to the best of our combined knowledge the very, very best in their category.